Thursday, October 5, 2006

Gay Republicans

In the midst of the uproar over the scandal surrounding Republican Congressman Mark Foley, here is a report on the small movement of gays within the Republican Party, known as the Log Cabin Republicans (3/17/2004 - 4:16). The name harkens back to Abraham Lincoln and the origins of the Republican Party--learn more at Wikipedia.

  • Why is it surprising to learn that there gay Republicans, or, more to the point, an organized group of gay Republicans? Why is it not surprising that there should be a sizeable number of gay Republicans?

  • There are 535 members of the U.S. Congress, some 85% men, and with very, very few gays living out of the closet, of which Democratic Rep. Barney Frank is by far the best well known. How do you feel about Congressmen and women who are living in the closet? How do you think they will be affected by the current Foley scandal, especially in light of the fact that their sexual orientation is often known by the political leadership?