"In a four-part series for Morning Edition, NPR News explores the rise of Wal-Mart, examining the company's low-cost philosophy, its impact on more traditional mom-and-pop retailers and its growing pains as Wal-Mart fights lawsuits alleging it discriminates against women and resists paying overtime to its employees."
- Summarize the main criticisms of Wal-Mart made by the company's critics. Which ones, if any, do you think have any validity.
- Check out the Frontline documentary, "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" Again, summarize the main criticisms of Wal-Mart made by the company's critics. Which ones, if any, do you think have any validity.
- Give us your impression of Wal-Mart or big-box stores generally, including the impact (good or bad) they may have had on your own community.